viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Experiment time in 5C

Mixtures generate carbon dioxide. The ballons are inflated by this gas.
The mixture of sugar and yeast produces more gas, so the ballon is inflated faster.
The other mixtures do not produce much gas. Ballons inflate less.
My results sorted from highest to lowest are:
Bottle C (sugar and yeast)
Bottle A (sugar, yeast and water)
Bottle B (yeast and water) 
 By Lucas

We think we know why bottle A(water,sugar and yeast) had the baloon inflated more than the other two bottles and bottle B,(water and yeast)has it´s baloon less inflated than bottle A but more inflated than bottle C(sugar and yeast), this is our theory, bottle A inflated more because yeast,sugar and water (warm water) makes carbon dyoxide which makes oxigen that since it,s air and the baloon needs air, it inflates it. Bottle B hasn´t inflated as much because it needs sugar to make oxygen,bottle C has inflated nothing but something weird happened to it, it made like a cool mix. That´s our theory. ( Eduardo, Alvaro y Héctor )

Hola somos Óliver,Nasser y Yago.Hemos hecho el experimento. Primero cogimos una botella y la introducimos 5 gr de levadura, una cucharada de azúcar y 100 ml de agua templada. Luego esperamos 20 minutos. El globo se infló mucho. La conclusión es que al mezclar levadura y azúcar, la levadura se come al azúcar pero para digerirlo bien necesita agua por eso para que la levadura suelte dióxido de carbono necesita agua.

Hello we are Óliver,Nasser and  Yago, and this is our experiment. First we took a bottle and we put 5 grams of yeast,a spoonfull of sugar, and 100ml of warm water. After 20 minutes, the balloon inflated significantly.  So the conclusion  is that when we  mix yeast, sugar and water the yeast eats the sugar and generates carbon dioxide which inflates the balloon.


yeast needs sugar to grow and to live it also produces carbon dioxide.
Equipment :
3 one litre plastic bottles ,live yeast ,warm water , three balloons and sugar.
first I washed the bottles , then I cut the yeast into pieces that were 5g each . After that I put each bottles ingredients
in bottle 1 I put some yeast , water and sugar,  in  bottle 2 I  put some yeast and sugar in bottle 3 I put some yeast and water .Finally I put the balloons on.
Results :
bottle 1 had the biggest balloon
bottle 2 inflated a bit 
bottle 3 did not inflate .
Conclusion : 
my hypothesis was correct  ,  I realise there was an error in the procedure of bottle 2 it only inflated bicause I did not dry it propely . In the future I will be more careful.
From Carlos Fitton 

Experiment time

1. In the first bottle we put 100 ml of warm water. Next we put one spoonful of sugar and 5 grams of yeast. We waited for 20 minutes and the balloon inflated.

2. In the second bottle we put 100 ml of warm water. Next we put one spoonful of yeast and the balloon inflated but not much.

3. In the third bottle we put one spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of yeast and the balloon did not inflate

Claudia, Paula and Sheila

The result of the experiment was : 

The bottle of sugar and yeast inflated the most

The bottle of water and yeast inflated the least

And the bottle of sugar ,yeast and water inflated a little 

By Sofia

Bueno pues este es mi primer experimento en casa estoy bastante contento espero hacer más.

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